Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Presenting Dr. Figaro

I laughed really hard over this article. I wonder if I should get my cats a MBA or an PHD. Bogus online degrees really are a problem these days. But when I think about it, maybe fictitiously teaching at a fictitious educational institution would be easier than the real thing.

You need to check out today's Dead Parrot Society. That's where I first read the cat article. These guys always have interesting things to say.

Monday, December 06, 2004

The Literal Truth

Newsweek has an interesting article on how many Americans believe that The Bible is the literal Truth. In particular, it appears that about 3/4 of all Americans believe that the Virgin Birth is the truth. It seems that when Linus speaks from the good book in A Charlie Brown Christmas, which airs tomorrow night, most people take it literally word for word. Take that for what it's worth.


Saturday, December 04, 2004


I am going through withdrawl. I have been unable to access my email for the past two days. It is so sad and is driving me crazy.

I now have a pair of Bad Kitty pajama's. Being 32 is pretty cool. I don't ever have to grow up if I don't want to.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Quizes and stuff from the girls

I hope you don't mind that I zap these cool links into an entry for ya?

Click on these links...
The future of knitting

Which historical lunatic are you?

Which office moron are you?

Lucky Cats

How to Stop Worrying and Love the Bush

The Crappy Little Elf Name Generator

Your ghetto name


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

The Sky is Falling

Snow is rapidly melting from the roof and making horrible noises as it slides to the ground. It sounds like several gaping holes should be visible when I go outside.

I obviously need to learn how to resize my gigantic photos before I post them.

The End of Two Era's

Two major events in two days...

Tonight is Tom Brokaw's last night as anchor of "NBC NIGHTLY NEWS". There was a bittersweet interview on NPR this morning.

Listen here...

The other tragic news is about Richard Jennings (the Jeopardy multi-millionaire).
His winning streak has finally ended.

So many changes.